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Designed with folic acid and vitamin B12: Pervistop

Food supplement useful for providing an additional part of these substances in case of reduced dietary intake or increased need.



Based on epigailocatechin gallate (EGCG), hyaluronic acid, vitamin B12 and folic acid, useful for providing an additional part of these substances in case of reduced dietary intake or increased need.

Vitamin B12 and folic acid are involved in the process of cell division and contribute to the abnormal functioning of the immune system.

Take one tablet daily for at least 6 months.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dosis.

Purchase options for Pervistop

Redirects to an Italian page. Shipping from Italy.

Link to the pharmaceutical website PERVISTOP

Link to the research findings at the National Library of Medicine

NOTICE: OTC products available without a prescription (Paid affiliate link),

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